The Mark executive for W Lancs in Bradford

The Mark Executive for West Lancs were privileged to witness the Installation of VW Bro James Steggles
as Prov GM of West Yorkshire, on Saturday 17th November 2012.
He was obligated, invested and installed by the MW Pro GM, Bro Benjamin Addy, in a very fine ceremony.
This took place in the impressive surroundings of Bradford Grammar School. The main hall is sandstone
and timber, the original school foundation goes back a long, long way to mid sixteenth century.
All dined on Pate, Roast Beef and Lancashire Pudding, (oh alright then !! Yorkshire pudding if we must !!)
etc ,etc ,etc.
Complementary toasts to the main participants concluded an impressive and most enjoyable
day --- "across the border".


MW Bro. Ben Addy (Pro GM) RW Bro Peter Connolly (PGM)
with W.Bro Ian Nairn (APrGM)
and Geoffrey H Lee (Prov Sec)
(our own RW Bro Tom Jackson)
The Grand Secretary RW Bro John Brackley with RW Bro Peter Connolly WL PGM with the new
the new PGM WYorks RW Bro James Steggles
Grand Secretary Designate VW Bro PAUL TARRANT
Article and photographs courtesy of RW Bro. Peter Connolly PGM